Committee Members

Chairman/PRO: Kenneth McKinnon (Life Member)
Vice Chairman: Alec Thomas (Life Member)
Secretary: Brian MacKenzie (Life Member) Treasurer: Stewart Walker David Carlin (Life Member)Committee Anne Cox Committee:


Welcome to the City of Glasgow Royal Naval Association's web site.

All former and serving members of the Royal Navy, Royal Naval Reserve and Merchant Marine services welcome (We even allow other services in to spin a few yarns as well). Come along and have a few wets while shareing your stories and ditties with old and new shipmates.

We meet every third Thursday of the month at 19.30 hours in,

The Buff's Club
935 - 937 Dumbarton Road
Whiteinch, (Previously known as the Stella Maris).

Hoping to see or hear from you soon.

If you wish to leave a comment please click on the comment at the bottom of the posted item.

Kenn McKinnon

Thursday 22 March 2018

Legion D'Honneur

Photo: Back row: Eva Bolander, Lord Provost of Glasgow and Emmanuel Cocher French Consular General. Front: Mr Kenneth Wilson (Army), Mr Eric Robertson (Army) Mr John Aiken (Royal Navy). Mr John Aiken RN (officer Steward) along with Mr Eric Robertson Army and Mr Kenneth Wilson Army today received the Legion D'Honeur from the French Consular General Emmanuel Cocher for their part in the D Day landings 6 June 1945. John served onboard HMS Enterprise which led the American forces to Omaha beach. He also served on HMS Stine and Manxman and in the far east. All the recipients are members of the RBLS at Knightswood, Glasgow.

Friday 16 March 2018

SSAFA Luncheon

On the 16th five of our members and their guests attended the SSAFA luncheon at Graham House in Whitefield Road, Govan. Their new mascot SSAFALUMP was on display to the visitors and will be taking part in the kilt walk and marathon to raise funds for SSAFA. Our secretary S/m Brian MacKenzie handed over a cheque for £100 on behalf of the City of Glasgow RNA.


We held our AGM on 15th March where S/m Joan Lowe stood down as the vice chairman. S/m Alec Thomas was unanimously voted in as the new vice chairman.
